first off, shes trying to change you right off the bat, whats next, your hairstyle, your personality etc etc.... this is not a good idea man... oh and especially not into a moronic cult like the jehovahs witnesses.. trust me, EVERY SINGLE JEHOVAHS WITNESS GIRL IS FUCKED UP!!! man, seriously think this one through.... -the infamous one
Nice to meet you. You have a serious situation there....and although I wouldn't have put it as eloquently as infamous did...I have to agree he is right. I couldn't have said it better.
(even though it means I was and am f*cked up too)
You said "I've had a very rough past and alot of people have wronged me in many ways." This probably means that few people have been kind to you and even fewer have shown you that they can be trusted. Here's where this girl comes in. She probably is a nice girl and has shown you kindness...and maybe you feel you can trust her. Those are very strong attributes. If you top that with a sexual attraction...boom you got love.
But, please take some advise from the hundreds, no thousands of people on this board who have been there. We know what it is like to fall in love, we know what it is like to be a Jehovah's Witness, we know.
No matter how strong the attraction is. Stop. Take out all the emotions...the hurt of your past and the attraction of the present. and Think.
It is the nature of man to want what he can't have. Why is it that you want her when there are a million other girls in the world? Because right now you can't have her.
She has told you that "she would only date within her faith." This could also be her way of turning you down nicely. If she really wanted to date you she would. Lots of witnesses have done that.
But, let's say you decide to "try her religion" so you can date her. First of all, you can't just "try out being a Jehovah's Witness" it doesn't work like that. You either are one or aren't. You learn that quickly. Second, it's more than just going to's changing your entire life to live by someone else's rules. It will happen gradually, but eventually everything about yourself will be changed.
Let me just say that this girl will never be satisfied.
You will never be good enough, or do enough or change enough to please her. This is not her fault, it is her religion's fault. She is programmed that way. You will have to study the entire bible, their books and learn everything. You will have to give up your family, your friends, your way of life. Once you start studying she will tell you that she can't date you unless you are engaged to be married. And she can't marry you unless you are baptized. Then she will want you to go to church 3 times a week and go out preaching and studying with other people. You will have to give talks in front of the congregation at her church. You can't drink, you can't smoke, you can't celebrate your birthday. You can't even buy your mom a present for Christmas.
...all I am saying is. Stop. Think.
Thousands of people are on this discussion board because we have found out that this religion used us and abused us. We either fell in love with someone and followed them into the religion or we were born into it. This religion has stolen so many things from us...our life, our youth, our identity and people we love.
Find a girl who will love you completely for who you are now, not who you could be if you changed everything.
I know you need love, kindness, someone you can trust. Let your guard down and you will find them. Just don't give up who you are for any one.
Don't choose your religion based on emotion...and for sure...don't follow your dick into church.